Mr Eric Degert in CLERMONT DES LANDES (Landes, France) replaced his SOLAR 20 Plucker with a SOLAR 30 in January 2013.

"We pluck from 600 to 900 ducks per week. We had a SOLAR 20 and a SOLAR 30 Head/Neck. The increase in demand led us to replace our SOLAR 20 with the full SOLAR 30 range, and we are very satisfied with this decision."

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Régine (Badefols d'Ans - Dordogne, France)

"We’re very satisfied..."

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Mr Capdeboscq (Lauret - Landes, France)

"They’re very efficient ..."

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Mr Degert (Clermont - Landes, France)

"We pluck from 600 to 900 ducks..."

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Designed and built in France